Whether you’re into blogging as a hobby or you have a business blog that provides your audience with valuable content, your blog does need a makeover every now and then. The main reason is that the technology is evolving and consumers areconstantly finding new trends to follow.
If your blog isn’t up to date with everything, it may soon become irrelevant and obsolete. To avoid such an unnecessary scenario, blog owners tend to improve and redesign their blogs when it’s needed the most. But what does that really mean? Simply put, it all depends on the circumstances.
Among other things, you should also submit your blog post to guest post opportunitie sites to gain more organic traffic.
Sometimes your blog can use a new and improved look. On other occasions, it needs more visibility and functionality to support additional traffic. In any event, it comes down to tweaking your blog’s design regularly so that it can continue to serve its purpose.
That isn’t always as easy as it may sound. After all, there might come a time when you’ll need to redo your blog completely. Your audience’s expectations will grow over time and your blog must be able to meet those. With that in mind, here are a few ways to improve your blog’s design.
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Adapting to new devices
One of the things that will certainly prompt changes in your blog’s design is your blog’s ability to adapt to various devices. Over the years, mobile devices surpassed desktop computers both in usage and traffic. Now, there are more mobile users than ever before.
People use their tablets or smartphones for all sorts of activities. Reading your blog posts is just one of them. So, can your blog display its content properly on mobile devices? If it’s an older blog, then the answer is probably not really.
Imagine how frustrating it would be for your audience to have to zoom in on their phones just so that they can read your articles. This can drive away a lot of new traffic and even force your existing audience members to abandon your blog.
Therefore, it’s time to redesign your blog so that it can adapt to new devices. The best way to approach the situation is to consider implementing a responsive design. This design allows your blog’s content to adjust itself based on the user’s device and that device’s screen size.
Not just the content but the entire layout of your blog will become more mobile-friendly. If your blog is part of your website, you will most likely have to implement a responsive design for your website. You might as well kill two birds with one stone while you’re at it.
Improving your blog’s readability
The most important factor in your blog’s design is user experience. If your readers cannot enjoy your content, it’s time to improve things. As mentioned before, you can use a responsive design to cater to your mobile audience’s needs.
However, there’s always something more you can do to improve their experience and boost your blog’s readability in the process. For example, you should consider changing the typography of your articles and blog posts. This is a minor change that can have a major impact on your audience. That being said, here are a few things you can do.
- Change font type.
- Adjust font size.
- Include additional spacing.
- Change font color.
Such variations don’t require that you change your entire blog’s design. Instead, you can tweak them fairly simply and significantly boost readability on your blog. For instance, changing the font size helps your readers see well, especially if they’re reading your blog posts on their phones.
Moreover, including additional spacing allows the human eye to track text more seamlessly. Therefore, your audience won’t have to squint or use their finger to track the flow of content anymore, which is a big improvement in their experience.
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Enriching your blog’s design
It’s no secret that web design and blog designs alike tend to get dull and boring over time. If you use the same theme for years, your blog will start to feel too old, regardless of how valuable your content might be.
Despite everything else, humans are visual beings, and we need visual stimuli so that we can truly engage. That said, enriching your blog’s design with visuals is always welcome. However, if you overdo it, you’ll turn your blog into a catastrophe that is hurtful for the eyes.
If you don’t have enough visuals, it will seem like you’re not making enough effort to cater to your audience’s needs. Therefore, a perfect balance is needed to make your blog’s design truly pop out.
Most of the blog owners aren’t web designers. In that case, a reliable New York web design company will certainly come in handy to help you spice things up a bit the right way, of course. Here are a few things worth considering if you plan on improving visuals on your blog.
- Choose the right colors – Particular color schemes can have the desired psychological effect on readers.
- Use high-quality images – Using the right images to complement your blog posts can improve the user experience.
- Use videos – A blog/vlog hybrid can work exceptionally well if your audience is into it.
- Use other visuals – Infographics, charts, table of contents and other graphics can help paint the bigger picture.
Improve navigation
Navigation is a crucial aspect of your blog’s design. This is especially true when you have a lot of articles and blog posts that you’ve accumulated over the years.
A new member of your audience will be interested in the old content as well as the new one. However, if they have trouble finding what they need, they might quickly lose interest.
Therefore, tweaking your blog’s navigation alongside its design is of vital importance. Improving your blog’s navigation isn’t all that difficult, especially if you rely on a bit of on-page SEO to help you out. That being said, here are a few things you can do to boost navigation on your blog.
- Categorize and organize articles and blog posts accordingly.
- Don’t cramp all of your content in one place.
- Implement related keywords in headings and sub-headings.
- Link internally to help users find other content.
- Use the so-called breadcrumbs for users to follow.
- Eliminate every error page, broken link or duplicate content.
- Ensure that your search bar is well-designed and well-optimized.
- Use alt-tags for images in articles and blog posts.
The more seamless the navigation is on your blog, the longer users will stay to consume your content. By eliminating friction that will pose an inconvenience, you allow your readers to enjoy themselves while on your blog.
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Improving your blog’s design is sometimes optional and sometimes mandatory, depending on the situation. It’s always better to be proactive and make improvements before you actually need to. That way, you can keep your readers happy at all times.
Furthermore, when you improve your blog’s design in any way, it will most likely result in higher traffic. In that case, be absolutely sure that your blog’s functionality and performance can match the new traffic. Otherwise, your blog’s design won’t help you out as much as you thought it would.
Author bio:
Tomas is a digital marketing specialist and a freelance blogger. His work is focusing on new web tech trends and digital voice distribution across different channels. Digital Strategy One
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